Milk River Watershed Council Canada Teams
Currently, there are three Teams that have been established to help fulfill the goals of the Milk River Watershed Council Canada. The Teams are actively working on different projects that will ultimately support watershed management and planning.
Water Supply and Management Team
The Water Supply and Management Team is involved in issues of water supply. This includes addressing water shortages, predicting future supply scenarios and working with Montana neighbours to address international water management strategies.
Research, Monitoring and Project Team
The Research, Monitoring and Project Team is responsible for collecting information about the watershed and identifying gaps in our current knowledge. This Team initiates research projects that will further our understanding of watershed resources. Developing, implementing and maintaining a water quality monitoring program is a priority for this Team. This Team is also investigating bank erosion and future impacts on water supply and water quality.
The Team also promotes water conservation and best management practices in rural and urban areas. The Team works to understand agriculture and recreation impacts on water quality and implements projects that may protect and maintain water quality and riparian health. The Team may also address recreational impacts on riparian health and water quality in the Milk River.
Community Awareness and Involvement Team
At least one member of each of the Teams, plus one member of the Board of Directors and the Project Coordinator are members of the Community Awareness and Involvement Team, in addition to other interested general members. The role of this Team is to ensure that members are aware and involved in the activity of the Milk River Watershed Council Canada.