First Annual Milk River Clean Up Day was a success!

It was not your ordinary River Clean Up.  We found some amazing things.  The most interesting was a roll of sheep wire that was wrapped so tightly around a willow shrub that no deer could browse it.  It was the largest shrub in the area!

Other interesting articles included old tires, five gallon pails, stoves, barbed-wire and more tires!

We were happy that Brad Downey from the Alberta Conservation Association was there to help us out.  Brad pointed out a snake hibernacula in the area.  There were quite a few snake skins on the rocks.

Everyone enjoyed a barbecue lunch and the break that came with it.  The wind nearly blew a few volunteers over the edge but everyone survived the day.

We would like to thank the County of Warner for lending their winch truck to the project and also the Alberta Stewardship Network for the funding they provided to the Milk River ranchers.

Make sure you join us next time for a great day helping to improve the health of the Milk River.

Milk River Watershed Council Canada